Monday, September 21, 2009

Creatures of Habit, Chaos and Cheer

It’s amazing to me how God creates us so ornately different. I have known from day one of the arrival of each of my children that there would be a significant difference in their personalities. It was never more real to me than yesterday at lunch.

We had a busy afternoon, so we decided to go to our favorite stand-by Mexican restaurant. We can always get out of there in half the time than any other restaurant in town. We were seated in a round booth w/ Emma and Jamin sitting between me and Ben and Jenna in a High chair. While we were waiting for our food, Emma managed to spill an entire bowl of Salsa on the bench and the ground, Kick her drink off of the table (She decided she wanted to lay in the booth instead of sit), pour her drink down her shirt and throw some of her food across the table while putting it on her fork!

Jamin on the other hand, sat quietly next to me eating chips and salsa out of his own bowl and sharing my cheese dip w/ out one drip. I watched him very carefully dip the chip, tap it on the bowl to get the excess dip off and place the dipped portion of the chip in his mouth. Every move very calculated.

Jenna, also affectionately known as “Jenna Girl” around our house just loves to be around people. She smiles at everyone that passes, waves and giggles, and eats whatever you put in front of her! While she is still developing her personality she is the cheerful one of the bunch.

It is neat to see the bits and pieces of Ben and I that God has placed in each of them and to see them interact with each other. There has already been many arguments b/w all three of my little one and I know there are many too come. But my hope is they begin to see each other’s strengths even at an early age and will appreciate them. My prayer is that God is raising them up even now to be his strengths, his tools to grow the Kingdom taking all those idiosyncrasies they have that drive us crazy sometimes will be put to use as they grow in fellowship with Him, their Maker.

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